

Morning Prayers

Na Mo Buddha, Na Mo Dharma, Na Mo Sangha (3 times) May the Triple Gem bless me! Please bless me with wisdom and strength, so that I can fulfill my good wishes, implement myvows, overcome obstacles, and attain Buddhahood along with all sentient beings. I vow to stop doing evils, do good deeds andsave all living beings. Na Mo Amitabha. (10 verses) Evening PrayersNa Mo Buddha, Na Mo Dharma, Na Mo Sangha (3 times) May the Triple Gem bless me! I repent for all my bad karma produced deliberately or unintentionally today. May all my blessings reach my family and all sentient beings, and free them from sufferings. May blessings and wisdom grow within them, andhelp them attain eternal joy. I vow to stop doing evils, dogood deeds and save all sentient beings. Na Mo Amitabha. (10 verses) May all sentient beings attain rebirth in the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha.


南无佛南无法 南无僧(三称) 祈愿三宝加被,给予弟子智慧和力量,令弟子所发 一切善愿悉皆成就,所作一切事业无有魔障,与众 生广结善缘、共成佛道!誓断一切恶,无一恶不断; 誓修一切善,无一善不修;誓度一切众生,无一众 生不度。 南无阿弥陀佛(十句)


南无佛南无法 南无僧(三称) 祈愿三宝加被,弟子于今日之中有意无意,身口意 所作一切不善悉皆发露忏悔;所修一切善法回向家 人及一切众生业障消除、善根增长、福慧具足、究 竟安乐。誓断一切恶,誓修一切善,誓度一切众生。 南无阿弥陀佛(十句) 万善同归西方极乐世界。

